November 12, 2007

Wine and cheese

We ended the week in Whistler with a little work and wine. After a meeting of the minds, we attended Whistler’s wine and food festival, Cornucopia. Unfortunately, the infamous annual party at Barefoot Bistro that has become synonymous with the festival wasn’t staged this year, but there were still a few highlights. Glue guns and glitter… need I say more? Each of my female colleagues became one with their inner Martha while creating a headdress at the craft table that was both personal and unique. Not one, but two free lip gloss with Yellowglen’s Yellow and Pink sparkling wine. Bear corner, “C”evin the Cougar and Georgi the kitten. “I’ve got enough blow to tranquilize this town,” overheard in the women’s bathroom at Garfunkel’s. And last, but certainly not least… Bobby James. The guys get bodypainted girls and the Burlesque Beauties and we get "Ricky Bobby?!" Think poor man’s Tommy Lee with red satin shorts, red headband, white hightops, no shirt, tattoos and a drum set. Apparently Bobby believes it is a talent to play the drums while accompanying dance music. Apparently Bobby has been spending too much time living in his parent’s basement. Playing the bongos so hard you go cross-eyed and then bending over to yell in the knee-high microphone, “How does that shit sound out there?!” does not a talent make. It sounds as bad out here as it does up there, Bobby. I need another glass of wine.

1 comment:

Mika Ryan said...

obviously planned by a man for men. similiar to most movie and sitcom plots