January 13, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane

Well, the time has come to say good-bye. The new year is underway and so is my busy travel schedule for yet another year. Sometimes I feel like I have run away with a travelling circus, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I will never admit to whether or not this Travel Girl is a member of the Mile High Club (for no other reason than my mother reads this blog), but I did find a way this past year to pass the time while in the air and sitting in airports... blogging. The only way I was able to keep up this blog was to write at 37,000 feet. Trust me, it totally passes the time when there is no in-flight movie. In today’s fast-paced, wired world we get angry if we have to wait in line, wait in traffic, wait period. We are now programmed to expect everything immediately. But, I recently read a suggestion that every time we have to wait we should reverse our thinking and actually be thankful for having a few minutes to ourselves. Take that moment to think about something YOU want to think about instead of the next deadline. I apply this philosophy when I’m flying as well as blogging. I revel in the time I have to myself and indulge my own thoughts. Thank you to my loyal and interested reader(s). Although this blog was a personal journey, I truly appreciate the time you took out of your life to read about mine. I am now going to take the time I would have spent blogging and apply it to new efforts. Perhaps I'll return to it one day, but until then... In the words of one of my favourite musical artists, Sarah Harmer, “I meant to write it on the plane. High above my earthly pain. But, I slept right through the flight. And that was all.”


Mika Ryan said...

I'm going to miss your musings, and quirky view of life!

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,

I will miss your blog! I have been reading it since Ness sent me a link in July and have enjoyed your unique insight into both travel and everyday life. Good luck with your next writing endeavor!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see you leave the blogoshere H. The Travel Girl always provided a good read!

Anonymous said...

I too will miss your writing. I loved reading your thoughts which were often surprising and touching.
Love you, M.

curcuma said...

Nice thoughts. We are missing your writings. You are doing great. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

It was such a pleasure to meet you here in Denver at the Botanical Gardens. The world is a lovely flower opening and closing with each new adventure...may you have many blooms with which to discover in wonder! cb @ Patchwork Quilt on Facebook and cebelina.blogspot.com