October 31, 2007


It must be the season, but for the last month or so the fly girl has taken great pleasure in regularly trying to scare me. Unfortunately she hasn’t fully grasped the importance of surprise in the equation… a crucial element when trying to scare someone. So, while in full view she has tried repeatedly to jump out from behind doors and under covers yelling “Boo!” and then hopefully asking, “Did I scare you?!” I decided to be honest rather than play along in hopes of helping her understand that if I can see her and I know she is there, I won’t be startled. She needs to honestly surprise me... which isn't hard as I startle far too easily. Finally, while getting dressed the other morning she quietly crept into the room with a black dress over her head in once last ditch attempt. I hadn't put my contacts in yet and as it is so dark in the mornings we both came around the corner in perfectly choregraphed timing and... this time she got me! We both jumped up and down with excitement and had a high-five to celebrate. I have never been so happy to have the B-Jesus scared out of me before. Happy Halloween!

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