November 12, 2007

I’ll show you mine, if you show me your’s

Last weekend, my fly guy and I travelled home to Winnipeg to attend a friend’s wedding. It had been two years since my last visit and for argument’s sake, 20 years since he had spent any real time in the city. Other than being greeted by green grass in November, “Winter-peg” hadn’t changed all that much. We enjoyed touring through nostalgia as we proudly showed each other our past homes, schools and stomping grounds. Or, as my mother so eloquently put it, “Did you show him where you used to get hammered every Thursday night?” I did pound back a few rye and coke at the wedding reception. I mean c’mon, when in Rome. But, surprisingly to no avail. That definitely would not have happened a decade ago. Another noticeable and noteable change was the new Esplanade Riel Pedestrian Bridge from The Forks to St. Boniface with, of all things, a Salisbury House smack in the middle of it. How Winnipeg… Nip, anyone? The wedding was… perfect. A harvest wedding complete with sunflowers, sheafs of wheat, perogies (this is Ukranian Manitoba afterall) and a room full of people who are the salt of the earth. For that matter, a city full. One thing for sure about Winnipeg, the warmth of our Prairie family and friends will never change.

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