November 15, 2007

Somewhere over the rainbow

Today I saw the most amazing rainbow while walking to work. It was a full arch that reached from one side of the city to the other. I can't remember the last time I have seen a rainbow like this? If you have ever been to Ireland you know that every other postcard depicts a rainbow smiling over the picturesque countryside. When I first arrived in the country and noticed this I thought it was cheesy, but after spending several weeks there one November I quickly realized this wasn't a bad marketing ploy, but rather what Ireland truly looked like. Anyone who knows me knows that I am very superstitious and I will stop traffic to pick up a lucky penny off the street. But, do you think I could remember what I was supposed to do when I saw the rainbow this morning. Wish on it? Jump through it? Kiss a leprechaun? I quickly made a wish just to be on the safe side. Whatever the case, I knew that it was lucky and I continued my walk with a big smile on my face looking forward to what the day would bring. Turns out the day brought rain. Go figure. But, I don't mind. It will be good for the roses next time I stop to smell them.


Anonymous said...

So ..... what did you wish?!

curcuma said...

Nice image. We are wishing more writings from you. I just wanted to say good job. I really enjoy reading your posts.